Pity party's over

Thursday 28 July 2011

Ok, ok, ok, I have pulled my head in and stopped whinging. Sort of. I know the last post sounded depressing, but it wasn't. It was cranky and frustrated, but not depressed. And I know I have no real reason to be so upset, my family is healthy, we live in our own (will someday be) lovely home, and my husband has a job that allows me to be at home at the moment but sometimes I get so mad at myself. Seriously, I'm nearly 4#, quit looking for the magic pill!

And then I head over to Cherry's and see what her family is going through and although I already know how lucky I am, it still makes you stop. And think.

So I am starting from scratch.

I will look at my routines and work out what is working for me and what's not. I will remain positive. I will be motivated.

I will.

I am.

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