Birds in my backyard

Friday 1 July 2022

How geeky can I get? Well pretty geeky it turns out because I’ve become a bit of a bird watcher. For one of my University units I had to do a bird count and well that wasn’t a hardship considering I do it almost everyday! I have also participated in the Backyard Bird Count for the past few years.

Red Browed Finches

My kitchen window overlooks the backyard and has proved to be the best spot on the entire property for bird watching. Every morning you will find me hanging out over the kitchen sink just watching my feathered friends. I have seen an incredible number of different species with so many I’ve never seen before moving here.


The list includes the usual suspects; Magpies, Kookaburras, Willy Wagtails, as well as the exquisite Superb Fairy Wrens (there’s a family living in the murrayas that sit between the backyard and one of our dams; Crimson Browed Finches who after their breeding season there are millions of them (ok, maybe not millions but you get the picture) and are so tiny they are almost impossible to see until they move; Scarlet Honeyeaters, another very special and very tiny one that I have now seen on several occasions; Satin Bowerbirds, I often leave out some lovely bright blue wool for his bower; Wattlebirds; Tawny Frogmouths (not a member of the owl family in case you didn't already know); Eastern King Parrots who love to visit each morning and afternoon when the guavas are ripening; Eastern Yellow Robins; and one cold, wet winter day we even saw an Owl!

Superb Fairy Wren

Still with me? I haven't scared you off with my nerdiness?

'Til next time.


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