Noro Silk Garden

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Yesterday I was given two balls of the very delicious Noro Silk Garden from my mum. I have admired this yarn for quite some time but never gotten around to getting any (my local yarn store doesn't stock such exclusive yarns, only standard ones) so I have spent some time on Ravelry and found a pattern I hope works with it.

So this morning I am sitting on the front verandah, in the sunshine, spending a few hours knitting.


The Koi fish pond

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

As I mentioned in an earlier post we have a fish pond near the front door and Mr Homespun was quick to declare he would get rid of it as soon as we had moved in. As luck would have it a few days after we moved in we discovered there was a large Koi living in it so Mr H quickly changed his mind, the pond would stay.

Obviously, as it took us a few days to discover the fish, the pond was in a right awful state. I'm not sure how the fish was even alive it was so disgusting. Here is a glimpse of the colour of the water.

Yuck, right?

So we sought some advice and bought a pump and filter and had someone out who had a pond vacuum to give it a helping hand. Sooooo glad we did, the bottom of the pond was disgusting! Along with the many buckets of leaves and muck we also found an assortment of other things; cans, pots and this:

It appears to be some kind of pot but is made of some sort of metal and weighs a ton!

Anyhoo, the pump worked it's magic and the water quality started to improve quickly, looking like this after only one week.

And now? Well today it looks like this:

Even on an overcast day you can see how good it looks. The water is crystal clear! We were so happy with the result we bought some friends for Gobbles (Miss 11 named the original fish).



Sunday, 6 April 2014

Good grief, where have I been?

I haven't posted in ages so here is a quick catch up on all that's been going on (or not going on) at Homespun Headquarters.

We just returned a couple of days ago from a few days in sunny Queensland, all theme parked out and happy to not eat another meal of junk food for at least six months!

One of the three cats left here by the previous owners had kittens (of course it did), six in fact! We arrived home from our holiday to find that one had disappeared and all that was left of it was a very small tail. The girls are quite heartbroken, it was the runt (and dare I say the favourite) of the litter and mama cat had been trying to get rid of it whilst we were away. I guess we shall never know what happened.

A few weeks back we did the farm tour at the Purple Pear Farm and got some great ideas on what we can implement here at Homespun Headquarters.

Subsequently we had Lachie from Tree Frog Permaculture visit to help us with a plan for the farm. We learnt so much, including the fact that our farm appears to be overrun with weeds! Slight exaggeration there, but still a lot of work to be done to clear them out.

Still battling my vertigo and dizziness issues, and it always seems worse after I have been on a computer, hence why I have been avoiding posting anything! I have an appointment with an ENT surgeon to discuss having the surgery I swore I would never have. Totally bummed about it but not able to see an alternative at the moment.

Working madly on our old house to get it ready for sale. It is now on the market. Just waiting impatiently for a buyer...

Summing it all up: not much has been going on over the past few weeks, but now we have our holiday out of the way we expect that to change. It has been almost three months since we moved to the farm and I am desperate to get some dirt under my fingernails!