2011 in review

Saturday 31 December 2011

Now the year is drawing to a close I am looking back at the year that was 2011. For me 2011 had two big things, one of the worst and one of the best.

In May I lost my job, a job that out of the few that I have had was my absolute favourite. I worked at Borders, which for me was a wonderful bookstore. I remember the first time I ever walked into a Borders store and distinctly recall thinking that whoever designed the store had been in my head! It had everything a reader like me could have; a huge selection and comfy chairs, what else does a girl need? When one was opening up in my area I walked past the partly built store and laughingly said to my dad that working there would be the perfect job for me only to realise a few hours later it really was! Although I was perfectly content in my old job I decided then and there I would do everything to get a job at Borders and I did. I started when the store opened in December 2007 and stuck around for two years, then deciding that the crazy hours of retail weren't working for me or my family so I made the difficult decision to leave. Needless to say I missed it like crazy and lasted just over 7 months before I went back part time. 10 months later our store, and all the others were gone. And I still haven't gotten over it.

On the other hand, 2011 was the year I fulfilled a 27 year old dream by going to Paris and it was wonderful. I can't wait to go back!

Right now though I am looking forward to 2012, I have big plans for the year and no doubt some of those will be shared here. All the best for the new year for you and your loved ones and thanks for reading.


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